Guest Commentary: There are no rewards for good behavior in Denver’s flailing restaurant industry
The Denver Post
by Whitney Ariss, December 17, 2020
The most frustrating aspect of this outdoor-only “code red” mode in which we are operating is the seemingly unscientific approach to the rules and guidelines that restaurants are expected to follow.
PROFILES IN RESILIENCE: Kendra Anderson, Bar Helix; Whitney Ariss, The Preservery; and Karin Lawler, The Truffle Table, Denver, CO
The Tasting Panel Magazine
by Ruth Tobias, May 28, 2020
This series highlights hospitality professionals who are responding to the industry crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic in particularly creative, conscientious ways.
With two days’ notice, Colorado restaurants prepare to reopen, but many restaurateurs say they’re not ready
The Denver Post
by Josie Sexton, May 27, 2020
While some will open as soon as Wednesday, others are still waiting or writing their own rules
Reopening restaurants next month is too risky, owners say
The Denver Post
by Josie Sexton, April 23, 2020
Colorado’s food businesses need economic help, but not at the cost of their employee and customer health, restaurateurs say