Like a purpose, unfulfilled…
To not be able to host our guests in this big, beautiful room has left me feeling deeply sad. But, not only sad. Also grateful, for all the folks who have stopped by to get a meal and show support. And in awe of the team for showing up full of good energy and also, pissed off that all of us, in the industry and beyond, are pretty much on our own with this unprecedented crisis. That is, those who have strong support systems will be alright and those who are not privileged will suffer the most.
We all feel like underdogs in the restaurant world. Whether you graduated from an esteemed culinary school or you’ve just been cooking since you were a toddler, those who have been doing it forever and those who are new to this world - we are one. We all had that close relative who was like, “When are you getting a real job?” and maybe some of us even tried to get out, to get a real job, only to find that we were unable to do anything else - for the love, for the obsession, for the creativity, for the access to ample food and beverage. We can’t stay away because we are the ones who need to be of service. And suddenly our very livelihood has been ripped away.
The choices we make now are critical. It’s time to prove we are made of strong enough stuff to withstand more than we thought we could take. Truly, we are all in this together and it’s time to show that we care about each other. So, for the love of my business, and all my beautiful fellow industry folks, I humbly ask you, who have read or skimmed at least this far, to consider these two things: That first, if you are able, find out which of your favorite restaurants are offering delivery or take-out services and go get yourself well-fed! And if you have more to give, buy gift cards! Second, if you are struggling right now, know that help can sometimes come from unexpected places, so don’t be afraid to seek it out. We’re not meant to go at it alone, we’re meant to work together. Here’s to showing each other hospitality and the relentless pursuit of nourishment and pleasure through food.
Whitney Ariss, Co-Owner, The Preservery